What Exactly Does School Pro Have to Offer?
Here are all the Bells & Whistles that come along with your subscription …

Volunteer Database
Easily log and maintain volunteer records, run reports and allow volunteers to view their hours online.

Statistics & Analytics
Generate user-friendly data visualizations for student and class performance to help teachers, administrators and parents alike.

Standards Repository
Maintain your own custom standards repository. Import any existing standards (Common Core, etc) or customize/create your own.

Roles & Permissions
Fine grained permissions allow you to customize roles and access rights for teachers, admins, substitutes, assistants and volunteers.

Report Cards
Fully customizable report cards and interims allow you to add standards, charts, comments, logos and more.

Registration & Enrollment
Allow parents to register students online and facilitate single-click enrollment for administrators.

Web Portals
Web portals allow parents & students to view grades, assignments, attendance, reports, statistics and communicate online.

Billing & Payments
Create invoices and allow parents and students to view and conveniently pay online via parent and student portals.

Lesson Planner
Create units and lesson plans. Attach standards, assignments, files and media links. Fully integrated with calendar, pacing guide and gradebook.

Incident Mgmt.
Create incidents customized to your own policies and regulations with auto suggest consequence intelligence. Allow parents to view online.

Use emails, instant messages, text messages and voice mail to communicate with individual parents and students or broadcast to selected groups.

Grading Scale
Create fully customizable grading scales that can be assigned to one or many classes. Full support of letter, numeric and even alphanumeric grading.

User friendly gradebook with bulk editing capabilities, color coded grades and assignment comments.

Custom Reports
Generate custom reporting documents for teachers, admins, parents and students.

Academic Calendar
Create calendars and share them with teachers, students and parents.

Account Mgmt.
Full account management for admins, teachers,staffs, parents and students.

Library of videos and documents providing quick and easy training.

No Contracts
Pay month to month, no contracts or cancellation fees. .

Technical Support
Free and on going technical support always included.

Unlimited Accounts
Free unlimited admin, teacher, student and parent accounts.

Keep track of attendance in one or every class and allow parents and students to view online. Convenient seating charts included.

Custom Data
Import external data (diagnostics, end of year tests, etc) to track and integrate with statistics and analytics module.

More to Come
As we push out more modules & features you will automatically receive them for the same monthly subscription.